Monday, October 22, 2012

Bird First Aid - Emergency

Always keep a carrier ready and large enough to contain and transport your bird. Put a towel on the bottom of the carrier to keep him calm. If he is ill or injured, he or she needs to be kept warm and calm.

Birds will hide their injuries or illnesses so that they do not appear weak to predators. When a bird is injured or ill it is not a good idea to use a carrier with a fitted perch. They may fall, or panic and flap their wings and become seriously injured.

Also, it is invaluable to have this carrier nearby in case of fire, earthquakes, tornados, floods and other disasters.

If a bird is attacked by a cat wash out the wound with hydrogen peroxide and then Betadine (most of these products are much cheaper in a farm store or feed store) immediately, and get the bird to a vet for antibiotic shots. When a cat scratches or bites a bird, it will pass on Pasteurella a bacterium. That scratch or bite will be fatal in 24 hours.

If your bird should start convulsing place the bird in his carrier, keep the pet bird warm, call your vet.

If your bird is burned rinse the burn immediately with cool water apply Neosporin Ointment. Treat for shock. If the bird is burned badly get him to a veterinarian immediately.

Wounds that bleed apply direct pressure until bleeding has stopped, clean with Betadine and apply Neosporin Ointment. If the wound is serious get to a vet. If the wound is a puncture wound take the bird to a vet; antibiotics may be administered. Use blood clotting agent Clotisol.

Broken blood feather use pliers to pull out flood feather that has been damaged. The broken blood feather will act as a suctioned straw and the bird will bleed out. Grip the feather firmly and pull the feather straight out. Clean with Betadine and use the blood clotting agent Clotisol If there is still bleeding, apply pressure, and get the bird to a vet. Birds don’t have a lot of blood, don’t waste time.

Their nimble tongue can get them into trouble. Their tongues have a lot of blood vessels hightail it to a vet; they will bleed out quickly.

Birds go into shock easily; keep the bird warm and calm.

Night terror – I have had quite a few calls about birds panicking at night. Birds do not see well in the dark. They start jumping around and flapping their wings. This can cause serious injury. If your bird should have night terrors keep a nightlight near the cage. Pull the cage cover up on one end near the night light. Talk to your bird calmly. I have seen this happen rarely with my own birds. Which leads me to believe that birds dream much as humans do? Dreaming is the way the brain processes information and puts it in the proper place for storage (much like defragging our computers.)

It sure wouldn’t hurt to consult an Avian Veterinarian and hopefully get to the root cause of the night terrors.

If you tape a bird with a Hook and Loop, Velcro tape, gauze tape or any tape make sure it is not too tight to prevent the bird from breathing. Bird’s breathe very differently than we do; the same thing with holding a bird – not too tight.

If you have an emergency with your bird use common sense. If he is bleeding profusely grab something (sheet, shirt, men’s tie- anything to control the bleeding FAST), get the bird, apply direct pressure, and then call the vet while holding the animal. Hopefully, someone is around to assist. With a bit of luck, your medical kit as described below is handy, so that you can grab a clean dishcloth.

You can cite any “expert” sometimes emergencies come down to simple common sense. If I told you to call a vet, then apply direct pressure would you do it? Or, would you apply direct pressure and then call the vet?

Emergency First Aid Supplies

If your bird has been injured or poisoned your veterinarian may recommend emergency first aid before you even transport to the clinic. Have these items on hand, so they are ready when he or she instructs an emergency procedure.

Veterinarians phone number

Night, holiday, or relief veterinarian phone number


Gauze pads to apply direct pressure

Cotton swabs

Alcohol swabs

1" gauze tape

Hook And Loop or Velcro medical tape (or) Vet wrap


Metal nail file

Tweezers or hemostats

Small scissors

Clean dish towels

1cc tuberculin syringes

Flexible tubing

12cc curved tip syringes

A net

Sterile saline solution

Hydrogen peroxide

Pedialyte – hydration and restoring electrolytes

Betadine – this is my personal favorite it is a broad-spectrum antiseptic. I buy it in farm supplies a gallon at a time we use it on our pets, wildlife rescues and ourselves.

Clotisol - blood clotting agent

Neosporin Ointment

Pepto-Bismol – to treat vomiting 2 drops by dropper

Benadryl*** (pink kapseals)


Magnifying glass

Good bottle of wine - calming effect on YOU after emergency.

How to Avoid Emergencies

Toxic Houseplants


Ceiling Fans

Unsuitable toys with small chain links, metal clips, lead weights, balsa wood, plastic, and small bells.

Sandpaper-covered perches

Toxic fumes from non-stick-coated cookware, insecticides, and air pollutants.

Open doors that lead outside or can be slammed on a bird

Sudden changes in temperatures

Toys or items with lead paint – we will see this more often with so much stuff made in China

Boiling pots of food or water on the stove

Open toilets

Glasses of water

Toys or other things that can cause strangulation

Air freshener

*** Benadryl - If you look in Walmart in the sleep aid department you will find a generic sleep aid - read the back of the bottle/box it will say the only ingredient is Benadryl. These are far cheaper than buying Benadryl.

Facebook Diana Geiger

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Budgie & Parakeet Guide


Birds have a tendency to mask illnesses. To ensure your bird’s good health provide plenty of good nutrition. Keep his cage and accessories clean and sanitized. Keep the budgie bird out of drafts and sudden temperature changes.

Clean the cages daily sanitize the cage weekly. Food and water dishes should be sanitized daily. Most harsh disinfectants are dangerous to birds. Never use piney oily smelling stuff like Pinsol. The safest disinfectant is Chlorhexidine.

If you observe your bird displaying symptoms such as hunched over, droopy, wet droppings, or uninterested in his environment he is sick. Take your bird to an avian veterinarian.

Your house has many dangers to the bird. He may get hurt on a ceiling fan. He may drop into a pot of boiling water or an open toilet. He could ingest poisonous plants. The fumes from overheated non-stick cookware are poisonous to your birds. Aerosol can be harmful; an example air freshener. Use extreme caution when letting your bird fly in your home.

With proper care and safety measures the parakeet lifespan - lifespan (people spell it both ways) should be up to fifteen years.

Parakeets need 10-12 hours of sleep a day. He should have darkness and quiet. Cover his cage.

Birds can suffer from Coccidiosis. The symptoms of Coccidiosis are blood in the droppings, a soiled vent and the bird will look huddled up. This must be diagnosed with the use of a microscope. Take the bird to a veterinarian for diagnoses and treatment.

Parakeets should be kept in temperatures of no lower than 68-70F to no higher than 90F. During the day if they can’t get some direct sunlight (make sure part of the cage is shaded and watch that the bird doesn’t overheat) it wouldn’t hurt to expose the bird to a full spectrum light for a part of the day. Any animal with a skeleton structure needs vitamin D3.

Ornithosis: Psittacosis is a disease in birds that can be passed on to humans. The symptoms are runny eyes and blinking. Take the bird to a veterinarian for diagnoses and treatment.

Birds can suffer from mites and lice. Birds will act lethargic and become anemic.

Play and Training

The first thing you should train your parakeet is how to perch on a finger. Remain calm and speak in a calming voice. Gently press your finger into his chest until he learns to step up on your finger. Offer him praise and a treat. Parakeets can learn to mimic words. Repeat the word or phrase repeatedly. Male birds are much easier to train than female birds.

Birds enjoy sounds and music in the background. Keep the volume low. Birds suffer from boredom too! They love for you to talk to them. Even while doing your daily chores the budgies will enjoy the interaction. Parakeet or budgerigars can learn to talk.

Provide your pet with toys and treats. Pet stores have a great variety of toys available for parakeets. Put some of the toys away for a couple weeks and bring out new ones. Rotating his toys will provide him with new mental stimulation.

There are much healthy fun treats available for the parakeet. They will enjoy millet sprays, egg biscuits, seed sticks, fruit sticks, and seed bells.

You might consider purchasing a bird playpen. The playpen has perches, swings, and ladders. Your parakeet will have a great deal of fun with a bird playpen.

Parakeet actions can be a bit strange to a first-time parakeet owner. The ultimate of a show of affection toward you would be for the parakeet to regurgitate, and if you’re not quick you will end up with a mouth full of goo. Don’t pull back in revulsion while your bird is showing love you would be turning down that love. Just do your best to keep your mouth closed, and then shower your baby with affection. This goo is what the mother parakeet feeds their young. It is only partially digested food.

Parakeets make a noise when content much like a cat purrs. It is a cute noise like a warble. Parakeets are not loud like many parrots and you can easily keep them in an apartment or mobile home park.


The parakeet is a brilliantly colored small parrot that makes a delightful companion pet. Their antics are fun to watch. They can be trained to talk and mimic your words. Keep his cage and accessories clean and disinfected. Spend time playing and talking with your bird. Provide him with plenty of mental stimulation with toys. You will have a good friend for many years to come. Above all else enjoy your pet budgie.

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Monday, October 1, 2012

How to make Halloween Costumes for Pets

Making costumes for your pets can be simple, and inexpensive, if not free. Everyone has old clothing or clothing we don’t wear or need, taking up space, that could be used for other things. That size six wardrobe put away 15-years ago in all likelihood will never see the light of day again. We also have a whole lot of stuff in our junk drawers that could easily be used to decorate costumes. With a little imagination and improvising skills, this could result in some mighty cute costumes.

Homemade Halloween Costumes for Pets

First, no matter how cute your pet is dressed for Halloween, safety comes first. Many dangers, even hidden dangers, come along with the territory of Halloween and Halloween costumes. Strings that strangulate or materials that are flammable, poisonous substances, cool glittery things that could cause an animal to choke or a material that could be toxic. Noises that could scare your pet into a flight, and I do mean both definitions of the word flight. Children and adults, people that your pets would normally recognize will look and possibly smell entirely different.

How to make easy Halloween Costumes for Pets Homemade Halloween costumes do not have to be complex. Use construction paper or old material just use your imagination and be creative! It is more fun if you make it easy and simple.

Think about what type of costume you want for your exotic pet. Do you have a theme in mind? Second look at your pet’s proportions. Measure the neck, space between legs both from side to side and back to front. That is if the animal has four legs. Also measure the circumference of the legs, so on and so forth. Usually simply eye-balling the measurements will do the trick. Some pets just won’t hold still long enough to use a tape measure.

Now think about what you have on hand. You may have to purchase a couple of things but improvise using what you already have is a lot of fun. After all, a simple hat made from construction paper is cute in itself.

Perhaps you’re not so crafty, or just don’t enjoy or have time for homemade pet costumes. There is a bunch of costumes for your pet to look like an exotic pet, your exotic pet to look like a pet, a pet that looks like a child or a child that looks like an exotic pet. Sounds fun, doesn’t it!

If a child can be a lamb why can’t a ferret become a bumble bee for Halloween! The new rage, Halloween costumes for our pets from Halloween costumes for dogs, Halloween costumes for cats, and Halloween costumes for exotic pets.

I have found that many Halloween costumes for dogs and Halloween costumes for cats will work, (most are available in small, medium, and large) for many exotic pets including the skunk, raccoon, coatimundi, iguana, and many other animals. See there really are Halloween costumes for exotic pets!

I have found that many costumes designed for small dogs or cats will work on the skunk, raccoon, coatimundi, iguana, and many other animals. Ferret costumes work great with smaller exotic pets. I have even rigged a costume or two for iguanas. Use your imagination; think about your pet, how the pet is shaped, where the leg positions are, the sky is the limit with converting costumes meant for children and pets to fit other animals. I have seen some pretty cool snake costumes as well. There are literally thousands of costumes for animals at Amazon!

Facebook Diana Geiger

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!