Sunday, March 27, 2011

Exotic Pets – Be Realistic

Understand your reason for wanting a pet, why do you want a particular pet? If it is a "fashion statement" please don’t get the pet. Go into exotic pet ownership realistically. It is not a popularity contest it is a deep love of an animal; a living being that saturates your heart and your soul.

Pets are not something to dispose of if you should no longer want to care for the animal, or if it smells, causes destruction to your home, or many of the potential inconveniences that comes with living with an animal. Having a pet is a commitment that will last the pet's lifetime.

If possible find a place to volunteer, a rescue, zoo, breeder, or sanctuary. Spending time caring for an animal may help you determine if the particular animal is realistically what you expected.

Often with exotic pet ownership it is a lifestyle change. It is difficult to find people you can trust to care for your pet while you go on vacation. What will happen to your pet if you are hospitalized? Think seriously about these things before acquiring a pet. Know what your options are and make arrangements beforehand. Read the rest of the article. Exotic Pets – Be Realistic

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dubia Roaches

Dubia roach (Blaptica dubia) - As a feeder insect my all time favorite is the Dubia roach (1 1/2 inches long -3.81 centimeter), especially over the popular cricket. Why? Because crickets stink, they can escape easily, they are fast, they are noisy, and they are less nutritious than Dubia roaches.

I have a preference for the Dubia roach over other roaches such as the Discoid Roaches and Orange Headed Roaches, the reasons being Dubia is slower moving, making them easier prey for your exotic pets, and they are not as introverted as the Discoid and Orange Headed. Dubia roaches are slower than crickets, if kept too cool (see warmth requirements further down in the article); they may become to slow as to not educe a feeding response or to stop reproduction. If kept at proper temperatures their speed is just right and are prolific breeders once they become mature.

Besides nutrition and lack of smell I like the Dubia over other insects because they are downright lousy climbers, they won’t escape by climbing up plastic or glass. They don’t bite. For a feeder insect they have a relatively long lifespan of approximately 18 months. They are easy breeders, as many roaches are. When I first began researching the topic before I began breeding, I guarantee I found more articles on eradicating roaches than on breeding roaches. Read the rest of the article and learn how to raise and breed Dubia roaches. Dubia Roaches

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeding Live Prey to Exotic Pets

Live prey such as insects, an example would be a cricket, used as a healthy food source, applies not only to reptiles and amphibians, but also to a number of exotic pets that would eat insects in the wild. This would include many mammals, including the pet skunk. Arachnids, an example the tarantula, eat insects! Our pets deserve the best.

Feeding feeder insects can be a crap shoot; you just don’t have any idea of the nutritional value of insects bought in pet stores, online, wherever it is you purchase your live prey.

When it comes to feeding insects to your exotic pet keep in mind the nutritional value of an insect can be from very poor to very good. It depends on what the insect eats. If you can gather insects from an organic farm that grows organic fruits and vegetables, and has nutrient rich soil, the insect will be far superior to an insect gathered elsewhere. Read the rest of the article, find out how to have quality prey and save a ton of money too! Feeding Live Prey to Exotic Pets

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Euthanasia Our Little Ferret has Died

Euthanasia and other Tough Decisions Concerning Death.

It seems a bit paradoxical that one of my exotic pet ferrets is dying while I am writing and publishing the ferret series. All I know is Missy has been my friend, my companion, a friend who has shown me nothing but unconditional love from the day we brought her home. Euthanasia a hard decision. Now Missy is gone and my heart is heavy.

She was suffering greatly; no matter what we did we couldn’t give her a life that didn’t include pain and suffering. Most of this article was written before she died. On our wedding anniversary we had to make a very tough decision, euthanasia. A picture of Missy is at the bottom of the page. Read the full article Euthanasia Our Little Ferret has Died