Sunday, February 20, 2011

Breeding Ferrets

How to breed ferrets. The best advice I can offer is don’t, leave it to the experts. For a huge variety of reasons breeding ferrets is not for the timid, or anyone that doesn’t like really gross smells, despicable looking ferrets, it is stressful and often deadly to the jill (female ferret) and the hob (male ferret), and the kits (baby ferrets) often suffer a high mortality rate.

Breeding ferrets is expensive. Unless you have grown children and all of them have been to veterinarian school, breeding ferrets is not even close to financially feasible. In my opinion, it just isn’t responsible to breed ferrets especially if you are doing so because the kits are cute.

An unneutered hob will go into rut (yes, just like a deer) usually about 30 days before the jill goes into heat. Then the jill usually isn’t receptive to the hob for about 15 days after she goes into heat. If you attempt to put the jill in with the hob any earlier the jill will be uninterested in the hob and that is going to make the hob very mad and could injure and even kill the jill.

There is NOTHING romantic about a ferret’s sex life, at least from a human perspective. Who knows how the ferrets view the matter.

Let discuss the Neanderthal hob with his club. They put off a very offensive odor that comes from scent glands and urine. This scent is of an oil base and is used to mark his territory and to attract a female. This vile oil is spread with the male’s underbelly, as he smears it around. The male in a very short period of time is covered in this slime and stinks to high heaven.

Read the rest of the article
Breeding Ferrets

This is only of part of a series on exotic pet ferrets.
This is part of the continuing series of the pet ferret.
Ferret Training
Pet Ferret
Ferret Supplies
Breeding Ferrets

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