Thursday, May 9, 2013

Keep Exotic Pets and Birds Safe During Natural Disasters

If there was a tornado siren right now could you transport your bird or pet or exotic pet to safety? What if there was a fire in your home or a wildfire racing down the hill? Do you have a hard sided carrier to help protect your parrot from blowing debris? Is the hard sided carrier stuffed in the closet? In the garage under mounds of other stuff, you have stored? If you need to transport your bird or exotic pet to safety quickly, that carrier is worthless to you if you can't get at it quickly.

What did you say? Your state never has tornadoes? I beg to differ no state is tornado proof. If you have only a rare tornado how about straight line winds? Perhaps floods? How about an out-of-control car crashing into the living room? A fire? There are always natural or not so natural emergencies where your bird or exotic pet may need to be transported quickly.

Preparedness is the key to the passage to safety when it comes to tornadoes, but sometimes the best plans go awry. Tornadoes are sudden, unpredictable, and early warning systems can go terribly wrong; an example, being turned off?

We have a plan, a well-rehearsed plan. Of course, the first order of business is getting humans to safety. Now it is just the two of us living in this big old house, but in previous years we had an 80+ elderly person, five adults, and two babies plus all my animals. We had a plan for each.

If the upstairs bedroom doors are closed the hallway is a reasonably safe place if we can’t make it to the basement or if we can’t get the animals to the basement. One of the upstairs bathrooms has no windows and has what looks like a Fort Knox Jacuzzi tub. The house was built in 1885 and is built solid.

The plan was to get the children to the basement. Next, we would get the animals to the basement or a reasonably safe place. We keep all our hard-sided animal carriers (pet porters) upstairs where the animals hang out. The trick is, make sure the carriers aren’t stored under a pile of stuff or outside in the garage. We would stuff the animals in the carriers and run them down to the basement. If there weren’t enough time, the ferret cage would go into the hallway. The rest of the carriers sat side by side in the bathroom. All doors are then closed.

OK – then came an actual tornado. No matter how many times we went over the plans and rehearsed the plans nothing went as planned. My daughter was driving back from Sioux Falls and was just south of Huron when the tornado touched down. She was very close to where the tornado was. She called home on the cell phone and said she couldn’t see anything and the rain was falling UP. She couldn’t see any driveways to pull off the road - she was driving blind in a rain-wrapped tornado. We suddenly lost contact with her. She had her oldest daughter with her (two at the time). We had the baby with us.

In the meantime, we went into action. My husband went to the basement with the baby secured in her car seat. My daughter’s husband was sitting on a central stair on our staircase trying to reach his wife after losing contact.

I got my mother-in-law on the way to the stairs to get her to the basement. After a five minute shuffle, I realized she’d never get down two flights of stairs before the tornado hit our house. I put her in the Jacuzzi tub and tossed a mattress over her.

Now I got the animals situated. I pulled the ferret cage into the hallway. Got the rest of the animals into carriers and realized I couldn’t get them down the stairs. Again, our prearranged plans were completely thrown off. It was up to the adults other than me to carry the animals to the basement. With having a spinal disease and multiple surgeries I just can lift them anymore. So the carriers went into the bathroom with grandma.

Now, I was supposed to be in the basement and so was my son-in-law who was still busily hitting speed dial. I found I couldn’t leave my mother-in-law in the upstairs bathroom by herself. I yelled to my son-in-law to get down to the basement with the baby and my husband. He just yelled back, I’ve got to find out if my wife is OK. So I sat on the privy next to the tub trying to calm my mother-in-law down.

The all-clear sounded, and it was safe to come out of our safety spots. We finally got a hold of my daughter. She had passed a guy walking down the road in that horrid storm. Nobody would stop for him. She stopped and picked him up. His appearance caused people not to stop to help. When my daughter asked where he needed to be dropped off, he specified a local church. He was collecting aluminum cans for a fundraiser. I was so proud of her for not letting preconceived bias to influence her decision to choose between right or wrong.

All the animals, exotic pets and otherwise were safe but rather miffed off at us. We were thankful that the tornado never hit the main part of town.

Make plans, have everything you need ready. Even if your plans do go awry, those plans will help if you need to go “off script.”

If you become separated from your exotic pets or get as much information to your local shelters, nearby shelters and any rescue agencies as possible; with your contact information.

Facebook Diana Geiger

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pet Chipmunks

The pet chipmunk is a high maintenance - high octane pet. Pet chipmunks are full of curiosity, zip, vim, and vigor. They have very specific needs. They are not a hold me - cuddle me type of pet. They must explore. They must be able to dig and tunnel. They have many instinctual self-protection modes that must be respected, accepted and understood.

They can't live in a small cage they must - MUST have a large habitat. If you have a spare room with some chipmunk proofing this would be closer to ideal. Chipmunks can be very destructive. You must protect them from their own destructiveness. Anything electrical that is remotely accessible to them is out of the question. Remember, they dig immense tunnel systems in very hard ground and can chew.

Chipmunks require a great deal of attention. Few people realize this. At first, when bonding with a young/baby chipmunk, you will need to spend a minimum of an hour a day with your new pet.

Chipmunks are diurnal they wake with the sun bright and early in the morning and go to sleep with the sunset.

Chipmunks are very clean animals - they groom themselves often. They have no distinct odor. If they have an odor you are not doing your job and keeping their habitat clean. They will use one small area of their habitat as a toilet. Even cleaning their cages will be very different from other animals and other rodents. Clean the toilet area often. Don't clean their food caches very often it will really upset and agitate them. Storing foods is one of their preservation modes I was referring to. Other preservation modes are avoiding capture from all the animals above the food chain of the chipmunk. These instinctual behaviors are exactly that will never go away. Visceral behaviors preserve their life.

Chipmunks will die if you use phenol-based (phenolics) or coal-based disinfectants. These are toxic to chipmunks, and many other animals.

Chipmunk Care

Diet - There is no canned or bagged chipmunk food and there is no one pet food that can be substituted - ever! There is no one food that will sustain them, no one type of food. They must have dozens of different types of food to maintain their health.

They will need seeds, nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, protein including meat - small bugs. Cooked egg is an excellent source of protein. They need calcium and Vitamin D - yogurt is an excellent source of calcium. have a mineral block and cuttlebone available at all times.

Always make sure they have plenty of fresh filtered water available.

They should never have sugar. Giving sugar to a chipmunk can be deadly. Habitually read labels of all food items so that there is not any hidden sugar. Do not feed chocolate.

Always make sure there are no pesticides on their food. If you can buy organic do so. But, remember to clean any fruits and vegetables completely.

They must have a material to dig and burrow in. Never ever use pine or cedar it is toxic. Aspen shavings are nice, so is peat. They must have places to hide, jump, and play. Toxic-free - pesticide free branches as wonderful. They must have toys! They love to chase. Make sure the toys are pet-safe.

They must feel safe give them hiding places to hide. If you use a LARGE wire cage made sure one side is solid. Otherwise, they will feel exposed.

If you cage your pet chipmunk make sure they have a good portion of the day they are able to run free in a chipmunk safe environment. No place to wiggle out, chew, objects that can fall on them, poisonous plants or other toxic or poisonous objects. They will be destructive!

Chipmunks must chew. Give them plenty of safe stuff to chew.

Make sure everything you need for a chipmunk is in place before you acquire one. Make sure you have located a veterinarian willing to provide the medical needs for a chipmunk.

Chipmunk as pets. Chipmunks do make great pets however, chipmunk pets are not a pet for probably most people.

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Planting Goji Berries

Goji Berry - Super Food!

The Goji berry or Wolfberry a highly nutritious plant where everything is edible. There is no waste in this very healthy food; both the berry and the leaves can be eaten raw, cooked or brewed as a tea. The berries can be eaten fresh or dehydrated. The berries and leaves are an excellent source of nutrition for humans, exotic pets that are herbivores or omnivores. The Goji is also great for birds. The Goji berry is a Lycium fruit. The newer leaves and tender shoots make a wonderful salad, more nutritious than any other green you can grow or buy.

Goji Berry

Goji Berry Blossom

The Goji has been a huge part of traditional Asian medicine since ancient times. The Chinese call it gouqizi. The first known publications were as early as 100 A.D. The Goji is also known as the wolfberry, matrimony vine, Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree or Lycium barbarum.

I began experimenting with the Goji plants at the beginning of this growing season. They are easily ten feet high and are branching out all over the place. Though I hadn't expected berries until early fall, it began fruiting a couple of months ago. It is a beautiful plant. My concern at this point will be overwintering in South Dakota. I am hoping it survives that harsh winter and fruits next year. I will be supplying both dehydrated berries and leaves next year if the little fellows survive the winter. I would love to be picking and dehydrating this year except I can't bend or twist because of my very recent spine surgery.

The Goji berry is over 15% protein, has 21 essential minerals and 18 amino acids as well as Lycium barbarum polysaccharides as well as more antioxidants carotenoids than found in any other food.

They have essential fatty acids, carotenoids, six essential vitamins including a very high amount of vitamin C, calcium, riboflavin, potassium, selenium, Beta Carotene, and many other nutritional values. Lycii Fructus or Lycium fruit is the pharmacological name or reference.

Do inform your doctor if you eat Goji berries or plant it can interact with some medications. Especially vitamin K and blood thinners, for example, Coumadin or warfarin.

For those watching or restricting their salt or sodium intake, the Goji only has 75 milligrams in 28 grams of dried goji, and it is a natural salt like a tomato would have.

One concern is the high amount of iron, please use in moderation especially for birds. Don't go overboard with the iron content. But, as with most anything moderation is the key. Nine mg of iron per 100 grams of dried berries.

Humans can add the berries and leaves to most anything. They taste wonderful, and the nutritional quality is beyond anything else. Consider loads of protein for a plant type food!!!

The taste of the fresh berry is said to be a cross between a strawberry, raspberry, and cranberry. I personally haven't decided what it tastes like yet, though it does taste good! It is not overly sweet (not a ton of natural sugar like many fruits) so blends well with most anything.

Add it to your bird or parrots food as well as your herbivores or omnivores exotic pets. I will supply links to buy the Goji's, but I will be supplying it myself (I hope) next year. Don't wait, this diet boost is through the roof.

Keep the Veterinarian and the doctor away! Get your immune system ready for winter.

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Update on the Goji Berry Planting

I promised an update on my Goji Berry, Goji berry plant, and Goji berries experimentation. At first, I became interested in the Goji berry for my own health. In the last two years, I have had most of my spine rebuilt. Healing from this massive amount of surgery was very hard on my body and mental health. The last two surgeries were in the late winter, so I am still in massive healing mode. Also, I am not impressed with commercial foods for pets. Any pet food especially exotic pets and birds. So I am always looking for better ways to improve and supplement their diet.

The Goji berry is also called the wolfberry (Chinese Lycium)

The Goji berry is a super food for humans, many exotic pets, and of course birds. I doubt if there is a single food that is more pack full of nutrition than this incredible - edible berry! The cool part. Both the berry and the foliage are edible!

Goji berries are pack full of nutrients, not only antioxidants like other berries. One example of a berry high in antioxidants would be the blueberry. Other nutritional qualities would be 21 essential minerals, 15% protein (very high for any plant food), and 18 amino acids. They are also very high in iron!

Many studies have been done on the Goji berry or Wolfberry (Chinese Lycium ), they give you a feeling of well-being, helps with a feeling of calmness, enhances the quality of sleep, immune system protection, prevent heart disease, protects against cancer, protects against Alzheimer's and other diseases related to age. In fact, they do slow down the actual aging process. They protect or help vision. These berries have a high vitamin A content and also phytonutrient anti-oxidants lutein and zeaxanthin all of which helps with healthy eyes. These same nutrients aid in a healthy nervous system They also have more vitamin C than any other food. They contain other major vitamins B1, B2, B6, and vitamin E. You hear a lot nowadays about probiotics which keep a natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestines. The Goji has Lycium barbarum polysaccharides provide an excellent food source for these good intestinal bacteria.

The Goji is the only food that helps stimulate human growth hormones (HGH) because the Goji has high levels of sesquiterpenoids. Add a little exercise and ta-da a new body!

There is little evidence that the supplements being sold have the same benefits as the Goji berry and foliage.

Goji's can interact with some blood thinners like warfarin, these berries will thin the blood. I had been on warfarin after I got a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) a blood clot in my inner thigh after one of my back surgeries. I no longer take a blood thinner just because of expense, so now I use Goji berries to thin my blood somewhat as a preventative measure against blood clots.

Last year I planted two Goji bushes. Since I live in South Dakota, I was concerned that I would have trouble growing them here. They grow into beautiful plants producing quite a few berries the first year. I used the berries and the foliage in our food and our pets food. The big test was going to be the plant surviving our harsh winters, and this was one seriously harsh winter. In fact, just last week we had sleet, rain, snow, hail, ice pellets, and freezing rain all in one day and then the sun came out. We had a couple of days of 70-degree weather and had snow in the forecast again today. But, darn it missed us by one county and is heading to Minnesota and east.

I was out weeding yesterday around the berry bushes and found leaf buds on the Goji berry bushes. Many of the buds were already leafing out. I also noticed new bushes forming a foot or two away from the plant. So that answers my question if the original two plants would spread increasing my berry yields.

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pet Unicorn

How to care for the pet unicorn. I want to introduce to you an exotic pet that is wonderful but has extreme care requirements. Exotic pets all have individual needs, and we need to learn about those needs before acquiring any pet.

The pet unicorn can be quite shy and timid. They will habitually render themselves invisible until the danger passes. Unicorns are furiously protective of their young. They love to leap into the air cavorting with their friends. Weird and beautiful occurrences can happen when a unicorn is nearby. Because of this, many believe that unicorn is magical. The magical properties of the unicorn have never been proven. Then again, it has never been disproven either. Let's examine the world of the pet unicorn as exotic pets.

At night unicorns emit a natural radiance. While running through the night the glow leaves a temporary trail behind them, sparkling in various hues. However, this magical essence can only be seen if you have an open mind.

Unicorn Pictures

I attempted to get a unicorn picture of my pet unicorn. Pictures of unicorns are very hard to get because they are quite timid (and FAST). Mine evidently is very camera shy. You can see in the picture an image of a unicorn right before he disappeared. However, you can see his aura. Notice the radiance left behind.

The lifespan of the unicorn is unknown. Only a small number of people have seen dead unicorns. A few archaeologists have unearthed the remains of unicorns including intact heads with the single horn protruding from the center of the forehead.

The young will stay with their mother and father for fifty years or more. They have powerful family groups.

Unicorns have a complicated diet which could prove to be challenging to care for a unicorn as a pet properly. They love herbs especially the flowering parts of the herb plants. They also eat new and tender shoots off of many plants. They seem to adore fresh mushrooms, but only the mushrooms that sprout from the damp earth at night. They eat many fruits; especially fond of kiwis, raspberries, and pawpaws. They adore four-leaf clovers. Because of their extreme fondness of four-leaf clovers, this would make an excellent treat for the animal or as a training aid.

They must have fresh water, and I do mean very fresh. It must come from a cool, fast-moving stream or a waterfall. If the water is contaminated, they will refuse to drink water. They will catch raindrops with their tongue or lick the fresh morning dew off plants.

As I mentioned before, they are timid and become frightened. The disappearing can become a problem when working with your unicorns. We use to convince kindly fairies to dazzle the unicorn, making them reappear. But fairies are becoming very hard to find. Human encroachment has caused tremendous habitat loss and fairies are endangered, nearing extinction.

We have found another method to astonish the unicorn back from invisibility. You will have to make it yourself but, it is pretty easy. Take a quart fruit jar, diamond glitter, and a glow stick. Cut open the glow stick and pour the contents into the jar. Add the diamond glitter and shake. Keep the ingredients of the glow stick off your skin and also don't ingest it. The effect only lasts a short time and is only good for one use. This will wow your unicorn back to material form. If you use a real fairy be patient with the unicorn, they do act rather silly after seeing a fairy.

My concerns about having a unicorn as a pet are. First, they are challenging to feed and supply with fresh water. Second, they do need a lot of running and frolicking space to be happy and healthy. Ask yourself if you can truly provide for the needs of a unicorn. You also have to consider their extremely long lifespans. What would the unicorn do if confined and something should happen to you?

Since North Korea has proven the existence of unicorns, finding the grave of the unicorn, and the unicorn lair of the same unicorn that King Dongmyeong rode, I don't think anyone can doubt this evidence that unicorns are real.

A brief flight of fantasy is occasionally called for...

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Microchips - Lost birds, Exotic Pets and Pets

Microchips - Lost birds, Exotic Pets and Pets

I watched as many different pets were reunited with their human families after the many hurricanes because they had microchips. But then I realized that few pets were micro chipped. More animals than not, by far, did not have microchips. Animals were scanned for a microchip but few animals had them. These animals may never find their families. The sadist thing about all this, the microchip is easy to insert and is quite inexpensive.

I first thought about writing a story about finding lost exotic pets, pets, and birds and microchips after I read a story about a 15-year old dog found in North Carolina. He had been lost seven years ago in Louisiana during Hurricane Katarina. Imagine the joy of finding your pet after that many years. Imagine the dog's happiness! This only happened because the dog had a micro chip. The good news is when animals arrive at shelters animals are automatically scanned for microchips.

I was interested in learning more about birds and microchips. I found out that a bird as small as 65 grams could have a microchip inserted. Something else quite sad I learned, in one shelter alone, 150 birds had been scanned for microchips and not one of these birds had one. This could have been 150 birds that had been lost or stolen that could have been returned to their human families. Instead they couldn't be reunited.

Most any animal can have a microchip inserted. The procedure isn't limited to just dogs, birds or cats. Check with your veterinarian. Many people have lost their companion pets and depending on the type of animal there is usually little chance they will ever see their pet again.

If your pet is of an exotic nature the pet should also have visible contact information in addition to a microchip. Many people would be unaware that some animals could be pets. Would you presume if you saw a skunk or a raccoon that it could be a pet? Most people would never presume the raccoon, skunk, or opossum could be a pet unless they have visible contact information.

A microchip is as small as a large grain of rice and is inserted with something much like a hypodermic needle. The microchip is safe. Also, and this is very important, it is permanent, a thief cannot remove it. This in itself becomes a powerful deterrent.

Avoid the heartbreak of possibly never finding a lost pet. Talk to your veterinarian about microchips! Don't presume they can never get loose many people have lived to regret that presumption.

Facebook Diana Geiger

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Eclectus Parrots

The Eclectus parrot makes for an amazing pet bird. They are quite capable of reasoning, perception, and are highly intuitive. Compared to other parrots they are highly unusual because they are sexually dimorphic, the male and female's appearance is quite different. The female (hen) is primarily bright red and blue to purple. The male (cock) is bright green and red. Many years ago it was generally thought that the red and green birds were totally different birds while in fact, they are both Eclectus.

Baby female Eclectus. Photo courtesy of Cedar Hill Birds Lodi, CA Cedar Hill Birds Eclectus breeder

The Eclectus has a fun personality a very clownish nature. They are highly sensitive. They are very susceptible to stress and don't often do well in a noisy, hectic environment. They are capable of a tremendous amount of love and require a lot of love and attention. The need for complex games and toys is excellent in the Eclectus. They will need lots of your time and attention.

Because of a bigger proventriculus and a longer digestive tract, their dietary needs are much more complicated than most parrots. Because of this they also utilized nutrients. Careful with too much fat They utilize fat quite well too, and you certainly don't want an obese parrot. They need for an excellent choice of foods is crucial. Including protein.

They should have a right size cage; they are an active bird. They should also have a playpen on top of their cage or a standalone play stand. They should spend a significant amount of time outside their cage during the day. They need to spend a great deal of time with you and other human family members. They need plenty of love, affection, and attention. I can't stress this enough.

While not all Eclectus will learn to talk, most have good talking ability. You should never purchase a parrot because of their talking ability because some will never learn to speak. They can learn speech and understanding speech. They have a clear, crisp voice. They are also capable of a wide range of tones and sounds. They are also proficient at loud screeches though not nearly as bad as many other parrots. The louder their environment, the louder the Eclectus will be. The calmer their surroundings, the quieter they will be.

They usually breed fairly easily typically laying a couple of eggs. They have a lifespan on an average of 50 years. Make sure you make plans for your pet Eclectus if something should happen to you.

Facebook Diana Geiger

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hedgehog Salmonella - Who Is Infecting Whom?

Guest Author - Z. G. Standing Bear

I sincerely applaud the efforts of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to track infectious illnesses, but it seems that the tracking mechanism, at least in the case of the animal appears to be one-sided and lays blame upon the animal rather than the human. Could it be that humans, given the overwhelming incidents of foodborne illnesses leading to salmonella, are passing his illness on to the cloistered pet hedgehogs? At least that seems quite plausible to me.

The 2012 Hedgehog Salmonella “Outbreak”

Then, in 2012, we have an “outbreak,” according to CDC, of incidents of a particular strain of salmonella (Salmonella typhimurium) - 20 cases spread over eight states where a pet hedgehog resides in the home of the human salmonella patient. Of these 20 cases, one case each is reported in Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, and Oregon, three cases each in Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio, and seven cases in Washington state. Of these reported cases, one has resulted in death (Washington state) and 47% of cases involve children ten years of age or younger.

The “connection” to pet hedgehogs in this matter means that a pet hedgehog is in the household where the Salmonella Typhimurium was contracted. In my inquiry to the CDC on this matter, it was revealed that in only two cases of the 20 reported, was the hedgehog actually tested for this bacteria, and the results were positive. Of course, this means that zoonotic illnesses work in two directions – either the hedgehog passed the illness to the human, or the human passed the illness to the hedgehog.

The CDC estimates that about 1,000,000 cases of salmonella occur each year in the USA and some 20,000 require hospitalization. Some estimates place the number of annual cases of upwards of 1,400,000 cases. Most of these cases occur from contaminated food products, such as chicken and eggs, then recently romaine lettuce. So, I would contend that in these 20 "hedgehog cases" the hedgehog got blamed simply because the hedgehog lived in the home where a salmonella case occurred. Otherwise, why has this "problem" not been identified over the last 20 years (as PulseNet has been in operation since 1996)? Even if these 20 cases could be directly attributed to hedgehogs (which I seriously doubt) the number 20 out of 1.4 million cases is statistically insignificant.

The Reaction from Paxton the Hedgehog

Paxton is a hedgehog that posts his opinions from time to time on the Yahoogroups list-server Pog-Chit-Chat, a list-server for hedgehogs. In reviewing this “outbreak” of salmonella typhimurium, Paxton was swift to observe an interesting fact about pet hedgehog life in North America. Paxton noted that humans are fond of giving pet hedgehogs toilet paper tubes as toys so they can engage in a pastime called “tubing,” where the hedgehog places the cardboard toilet paper tube on her/his head and roams around, seemingly enjoying this “tunnel vision.” It is essentially unknown as to why these hedgehogs enjoy this, but such are the mysteries of the universe (we still have not figured out self-anointing) for these creatures that are the oldest continually surviving live-bearing mammals on earth – they used to hang out with dinosaurs.

At any rate, Paxton is swift to point out that toilet paper tubes are provided to hedgehogs by humans as entertainment devices. Now, really, where do virtually all toilet paper tubes spend their entire working life? So, the logical question that follows is whether PulseNet also asks questions concerning the use of toilet paper tubes as entertainment devices for the pet hedgehogs. In other words, it seems logical (to Paxton and myself, anyway), this salmonella strain is being given to the pet hedgehogs by their (otherwise well-meaning) human companions, rather than the other way around.

After all, pet hedgehogs are properly kept indoors and in relatively isolated enclosures. I have cared for over 350 hedgehogs long-term for fifteen years, and my average population here at the Rescue is between 35 and 50 resident animals. My primary orientation is to wash my hands thoroughly before handling the hedgehogs, rather than after (unless the hedgehog is in initial quarantine or afflicted with an illness such as mites or Clostridium, etc.). Otherwise, I have no concern about catching anything from any of the hedgehogs in the regular population here.

Of course, once CDC officials have a chance to read this article, I can see an additional question added to the already very complex PulseNet questionnaire about salmonella for laboratories:

a. Does the household have a pet hedgehog?

b. If yes, does that hedgehog have a toilet paper tube as a recreational device?

Who Is Infecting Whom?

I sincerely applaud the efforts of the CDC to track infectious illnesses, but it seems that the tracking mechanism, at least in the case of animals appears to be one-sided and lays blame upon the animal rather than the human. Could it be that humans, given the overwhelming incidents of foodborne illnesses leading to salmonella, are passing his illness on to the cloistered pet hedgehogs? At least that seems quite plausible to me.

Dr. Z. G. Standing Bear is a criminologist and forensic scientist who has been involved in animal rescue since 1995 and hedgehog rescue since 1997. He is the administrator of The Flash and Thelma Memorial Hedgehog Rescue, Inc., in Divide, Colorado, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Hedgehog Association.

PulseNet and Foodborne Disease Outbreak Detection

In order to understand the most recent chapter in the hedgehog salmonella alert, it is well to consider the methods by which the CDC examines and tracks “outbreaks” of illnesses that may be linked to animals and/or food sources. Since 1996, CDC uses a sophisticated computerized program called PulseNet to track reported illnesses according to a “DNA fingerprint” for bacteria making people sick. The program has produced some amazing results with a speed that is truly impressive. It tracks a cumulative database representing some half million isolates from food, the environment, and human foodborne illnesses. In a recent outbreak of Listeriosis, the PulseNet system was able to trace the origin of the illness to whole cantaloupes from Jensen Farms in Colorado. This took just seven days in Colorado and some 17 days in other states – truly a remarkable and exemplary public health effort. Contributing to PulseNet are 87 laboratories in all 50 states as well as other contributing federal, state, and local laboratories. There are many fascinating pages on the CDC as to how PulseNet produces illness outbreak data.

PulseNet triggered outbreak investigations have resulted in the recall of over one half billion pounds of contaminated food! More importantly, these investigations have identified unrecognized problems in food production and distribution. For further information on PulseNet, visit the CDC website at Pulsenet

The initial response article was originally published in the IHA News, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2005.

Facebook Diana Geiger

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bathing Birds

My birds love to shower with me. Since birds are naturally very social and baths (or showers - misting) are necessary for a happy and healthy bird. They get so excited in the shower demonstrating their excitement by fanning their wings and vocalizing. Birds and parrots love to get wet! It is a win-win situation for you both!

Be very cautious about water temperature. Make sure the water isn't too hot or cold. They like room temperature of lukewarm water.

Keep them out of the direct stream. Set the shower to mist as much as possible. Don't mist or spray the face of the bird.

Don't use soap, shampoo or detergent on the bird. It isn't safe or healthy for the bird. Also, birds produce an oil they preen their feathers with. Any soaps or even the shampoo made for birds can strip this oil.

Make sure to shower or bathe your bird when the house warms up. Also, shower or bathe the bird early enough so that there is plenty of time for the feathers to dry before bedtime and the house cools off in the evening. Make sure there are no drafts from an open window or air conditioner. Don't saturate your bird's feathers. The body temperature will fall too rapidly.

If you are bathing the bird make sure there isn't too much water in the container you don't want the bird to drown. Make sure you supervise bathing at all times. Don't leave your bird in the shower alone.

Don't use a blow dryer it will scare the bajemies out of them or burn them. Some hair dryers can release toxic fumes.

Keep the bath container low if attached to the cage you don't want anything in the cage to get soaked. Remove anything in the cage that gets wet you don't want fungus, mold or bacteria to get happy and multiply. Very unhealthy for the bird.

Keep any mist or spray from spraying directly in the bird's face.

Never force a bird to bath or shower. If he or she is frightened or resistant, there may be a good reason for it. If frightened, gradually introduce the bird to the bath container or shower. When you first introduce the shower avian perch, gradually introduce him or her to the shower and perch. Just let the bird get adjusted to the whole concept before using the shower. Remember to keep the water low no hard sprays! Make sure to make the showering/ bathing experience a positive one.

During a molt the bird gets itchy. The bath or shower will help alleviate the itch and to assist pin feathers to grow. New pin fathers have a keratin sheath; shower, misting or bathing helps soften this keratin and release the feathers to grow.

Bathing encourages preening.

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

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Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pet Crawdad

I have had some pretty unusual exotic pets in my day. I think the most unusual, and a little fellow I grew very attached to, was a crawdad. I didn't go out to find a pet crawdad, it just kind of happened. Luckily, I had an aquarium set up at home. I had it set up to use for something, but I sure don't remember what it was.

When my kids were little, we had gone fishing for catfish. We had been fishing at a farmer's pond. It had been a beautiful day. Someone scooped up a bucket of lake water. When the bucket was brought home, there was a tiny little crawdad. I used the same bucket of water we had found the crawdad in to pour in the aquarium.

Finding food for the little critter to eat was a family project and an excuse to spend time scouting the pond area where we had located him. Everyone enjoyed watching him grow up. We created several caves for hiding spots. It was a neat family project.

I checked him one night before we went to bed and my heart sunk. He was very still in one of his little caves. The next morning I went to remove the body. I picked it up and had it part way out of the aquarium when I saw movement out the corner of my eye. My crawdad had only shed his old shell. He had moved to a new cave where his new duds hardened. It was a cause for celebration.

A year passed. After several more molts, he had grown quite big. One morning we were getting ready for church. I checked on the crawdad before we left and he wasn't in the aquarium. He had climbed up the air tubes and had gone on a walk-about. We searched high and low but mostly low. He was nowhere to be found. We went to church and came back home to search the entire house. No crawdad.

Later the next day I went to the coat closet off the living room to hang a new children's coat I had found on sale. When I opened the door, a crawdad came dashing out waving his claws at me. He looked up with pleading eyes, "Please put me back in the water I am parched!"

I placed him back in the aquarium. It wasn't long before he forgot his previous predicament and escaped yet again. It was apparent that the aquarium needed a much more secure top!

That little crawdad had been a great joy to our family — one of the many joyful experiences that added to my children learning the values of life. Caring for a living creature, loving the critter teaches compassion and responsibility. It is an experience I will never forget.

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Birds as Pets

Do you want a bird as a pet? You could have a lovely canary that may sing up a storm or a parrot friend such as the macaw. Birds as a pet have their advantages. However, they also have their disadvantages.

Birds are clever. Clever meaning they can find lots of mischief. Parrots will find even more tomfoolery if they are bored. Birds are highly intelligent. They are not a window dressing to be ignored. Birds are a flock animal and are highly social. If they don't have their flock, as a pet bird wouldn't, they need you for friendship. A bird cannot be kept in isolation. They do not like to be alone. They cannot be confined to a cage day in and day out. They must have a variety of toys and other outside stimulus. They must have a change of new toys and a variety of healthy food. The dietary requirements of birds are much like a humans. They must have protein, grains, fruit, and vegetables.

Expect birds to be messy and destructive. If they are unhappy, unhealthy, or bored; even more destructive. If you can't deal with your stuff getting broken, don't get a bird.

My first macaw de-wallpapered my wall. The cage was on wheels and was fitted with a on top of cage playpen . Evidently, the cage had gotten moved closer to the wall. I was busy doing something and the macaw evidently wasn't happy. He didn't have my attention and promptly peeled the wallpaper off the wall.

Always expect the unexpected. Often from the upper floor, the bird would hear us yell out to in response to a knock at the door - Come in! One day I got a phone call wondering why we were yelling come in and had the door locked. No one had been home. When people knocked at the door, the macaw was yelling come in to each rap at the door!

A bird will make considerable noise! This is their nature. If you have close neighbors that don't like noise, a bird is not for you.

A bird can be very affectionate and loving. A pet bird can be a great friend and even a confidant. They love to be close to you, see you, hear you and share every moment possible with you. They love to be at your side or on your shoulder. You will be delighted when he tucks his head and asks for a scratch.

Most birds have long life spans many birds extremely long lifespans. Before you get a bird make sure there is someone willing to love your bird and care for your bird as you would if something should happen to you.

Facebook Diana Geiger

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Baby Skunks

Baby skunk season is fast approaching. Baby skunks are properly called kittens or kits. Please make sure before you acquire a skunk as a pet you have learned everything you can about these unique animals. You must understand their nature. You can't feed cat food. you certainly can't place a bowl of dog food in front of the skunk. Learn about exotic pets before acquiring one. The exotic pet has very different care requirements.


You cannot cage a skunk - ever. When they are little, it is easier and safer to have them in a confined space. These little ones are not ready to have run of the house. That day will come soon. If you have an extra bedroom, or maybe even use the bathroom as a skunk room. This helps keep him safe from harm and helps with the toilet training process. When you are sitting around reading, or watching TV, you can keep an eye on him or, let him roam around the house. Eventually, you will let the skunk have total access to most of the house.

Skunks can be very destructive; they can scratch up your carpeting and tear it to shreds. You can never, ever declaw a skunk. Their claws are used as fingers and toes. It would be cruel. How would you feel if you didn't have your fingers or toes? Scratching and digging is the nature of the skunk. Are you sure, you want a domestic skunk?

Skunk Proofing Your Home

Skunks can escape out of the smallest places. I am not sure how they do it, but they can flatten out to the depth of a carpet and scoot under many things, like doors. They have a strong sense of curiosity and once out, they will sniff and investigate right into totally lost. The skunk is de-scented (scent glands removed) when you purchased him and has no way of protecting himself. Make sure there is no way for him to get outside your home. Check out dryer vents, heat vents, pet doors, there are numerous ways for a little skunk to get out. It is extremely rare that a lost skunk is ever found. Be sure to have your skunk microchipped and wearing visible identification.

Other things you need to do to skunk proof your home is to put childproof latches on all the cupboards that could contain dangerous materials or things you do not want the skunk to get into. Skunks love to dig, keep the potted plants out of reach. Look around at your low tables. Skunks front feet are very much like hands, they have quite the reach on them and can pull things down from tables and can become injured.

Bedding Material

Give them soft, cuddly materials for bedding. Give him an article of clothing that you have worn with your scent on it. It will help the bonding process and assure him when he is alone. Good bedding materials are old towels, old sheets, blankets, and even old articles of clothing. Just give him the bedding. Skunks are talented and like to make their own beds. It is a great deal of fun watching them arrange their bedding. A skunk "carrying" a blanket is hilarious. They pull the blanket backward with their front paws.


Make sure the skunk has plenty of fresh, filtered water available to him at all times. Skunks need a very nutritious diet. Feed high-quality protein from insects, lean meats, dairy products, fresh, cooked, and raw vegetables that are washed, the same with fruits, and greens, cooked eggs, cooked grains, and vitamin and mineral supplements. Even natural high-quality dog food such as Nutro. Poor diet can lead to many problems for example obesity, seizures (low blood sugar ect.), fur loss, hormone imbalance, just to name a few.

Spay or Neutering

Skunks are very aggressive and vicious if they are not spayed or neutered. Neuter little male skunks as early as possible, when you first feel their testicles start to develop. This can happen as early as 3 months. Little female skunks need to be spayed no later than four months. If they start reaching sexual maturity, they can begin to bite and be quite vicious. A while after surgery their previous personalities will most likely return to normal.


When you choose a veterinarian for your skunk be very picky. Find out what his or her policy is if the skunk should bite someone. Make sure the vet has an updated education in skunks In fact, ask the vet if a skunk always carries rabies. If the answer is yes, run the other way - quick! Skunks do not carry rabies. They can contract rabies just like any other mammal by eating an infected carcass, by being bitten, or other means of transmission.

Many skunks have roundworms. You should have them tested for all worms. Skunks should be wormed for roundworms regularly. Get a wormer recommendation or prescription from your vet.

Skunks require vaccinations both canine and feline shots are an absolute must! The skunks should receive his first set at four weeks of age. Make sure the vet is using a killed virus. They will receive a set of baby shots and then a booster shot once a year.

Do not ever declaw a skunk. Skunks claws are his fingers. This is how he holds his food and eats. Think about if you had, your fingers removed how you would feel. Declawing a skunk is animal abuse, plain and simple.

Skunks can make great pets for some people. Learn all you can about pet skunks before acquiring a pet skunk. Please refer to my Exotic Pet Guide available below.

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Macaw Care

Macaw Care


Cages need to be secure and big. The cage must be big enough for a bird to stretch his wings. Always buy a cage with a playpen on the top of the cage so the bird can have freedom when being supervised. Or, you can use a separate parrot stand. Make certain sure it is a strong, sturdy cage with a good lock.

Most macaws WILL learn to open any lock. Many times I have seen them figure out a new lock! Rectangular and square cages are much better than a round cage. The macaw needs perches of various thicknesses for healthy foot development.

If your bird has behavioral problems you may want to forego the cage with a playpen on top. Buy a stand-a-lone playpen or build one. You want the bird lower than you are.

Diet & Health Issues

The basic diet should be a special pellet formulated especially for macaws. These pellets should be supplemented with any healthy food that you eat. They can have fruit, pasta, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cooked beans, hot peppers, bell peppers. Pretty much anything healthy that you eat can be feed to your macaw. Our birds ate for dinner whatever we were having for dinner. Fruit is their favorite treat. They should be provided with a cuttlebone and a mineral block.

Keeping a macaw healthy is a complex issue. Advanced research is necessary before buying a macaw. Toenails need to be trimmed. The wing feathers may need to be trimmed so he doesn't escape. You could accidentally cut a blood feather and the bird can bleed out very quickly.

Keep Your Birds Healthy and Active

Macaws are intelligent and complex. The need for toys is immense. Boredom is unhealthy for a macaw and can be fatal. Puzzle toys made for destructive macaws are great. There are interactive toys where a nut needs to be extracted. Chew toys are needed for these chew happy birds. Anything new and different that is safe for a macaw. Anything that you can find that will confound the macaw for a little while; because it doesn't take long for them to figure out each new game or puzzle. They love to interact with you. He loved his head scratched and soon would ask for a scratch in his well articulated, but nasally voice. We learned many games together. We spent countless hours on the floor playing.

Macaws need a great deal of specialized attention. It is not a good pet for someone that cannot devote his or her entire life to him or her. The macaw is very different from other pets, and each macaw is different from another macaw. Each one is unique!

Riker, the opinionated macaw hated bugs. He would turn his head to one side and with one eye watching a bug crawling up the wall. I called this, "giving the bug the hairy eyeball." All the while he is yelling, BUG, MOM, MOM! BUG!! If a bug was on the floor, he'd go the other way. Strange bird, Riker was!

Make sure you give this considerable thought and plan in advance should anything happen to you. If you and your significant other have chosen not to have children because you don't have time, you don't have the time to spend with a macaw either. They are very noisy. They are destructive!

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Zonkey - Zorse

The newest in exotic pets! A zorse, zonkey, or zeedonk, is a hybrid between a horse and zebra or donkey and zebra. This is possible because both parents are from the equine family. A zorse is rarer than a zonkey. While a zebra and horse and zebra and donkey can produce offspring, a zorse, zonkey, or zeedonk can't produce young. Which raises an ethical question. Is it right to produce offspring that can't reproduce?

A zorse is the offspring of a horse and a zebra. A zonkey is a result of mating a male zebra and a female donkey. A zeedonk is the offspring of a female zebra and a male donkey. A zorse is a bit rarer than a zeedonk or zonkey because a horse is not quite as enthusiastic to mate with a zebra as a donkey might be. Though either can occur in nature. Though, not often.

The animals are no doubt intriguing and handsome with the striped pattern of a zebra with the principal colors of a donkey. The cuteness of a donkey or majesticness of a horse.

Is it ethical cross-breeding when the results of the offspring are sterile? Cross breeding horses and donkeys produce a mule which is also sterile. A lot of people feel this is wrong. However, is your cat or dog neutered or spayed? Many exotic pets are spayed and neutered. These animals can't reproduce. Is this any different than the zorse or zonkey?

Does breeding these animals with such different chromosome count cause unknown or known physical/medical problems with offspring? Not that I've heard of. I wanted to check any issues that may have risen between a horse and a donkey. Well, the saying "Healthy as a Mule," is said for a reason. The mule seems quite healthy.

How about from A biblical standpoint? Taken from Genesis 24. "And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. 25 And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the cattle according to their kinds, and everything that creeps upon the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good".

Are zebras, donkeys, and horses one of a kind?

What other ethical arguments for or against breeding the zorse, zeedonk, and zonkey? Your opinion?

The zonkey is cute, the zorse handsome. It will be interesting to see if any health issues arise and how people view the ethical view of the whole subject matter. What do you think about the hybrid breeding of horse and zebra and donkey and zebra?

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Avian Veterinarian

The BEST piece of advice I can give is to find a veterinarian before you have an emergency. Ideally, find an Avian Exotic Animal Veterinarian before you purchase a bird. Also, make sure you have a suitable carrier handy so when an emergency does occur, you have a safe way to quickly transport your precious pet.

Any veterinarian can call themselves avian veterinarians. An Avian Veterinarian who belongs to the Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV) is a veterinarian who has paid their dues to the Association of Avian Veterinarians. What determines a qualified avian veterinarian is a veterinarian who has Avian Certification from the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP). Certification is given by the ABVP when an avian vet has had six years of extensive, documented avian experience or formal training and has passed a series of complicated exams.

Many excellent avian veterinarians out there do not have their certification from the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners. Nevertheless, just because a veterinarian is interested in birds does not mean he is proficient enough to treat them. The best way to find a good avian veterinarian is word of mouth. Talk to other people that have birds. Call up raptor centers and find out who takes care of their birds. Speak to different breeders and organizations and find out whom they use. Look through the yellow pages for vets listed under exotics, call them, and see if they specifically treat birds. Get recommendations from regular veterinarians. Talk to pet stores that handle birds for their recommendations. If there is a local zoo, call and find out whom they use. There is an excellent search engine on the AAV website to locate Avian Veterinarians.

After you compile a list of possible veterinarians, make an appointment to visit them and their clinic. Compare each practice before making a final determination. Discuss your expectations with the veterinarian. Look over the clinic; is it clean? How do the technicians interact with the animals? Can they be reached in an emergency? What are the procedures for an emergency after the clinic is closed? Who takes over the practice when the regular veterinarian is on vacation or is ill? Make sure you can communicate with the veterinarian.

Birds are notorious for hiding their illness, your observations and communicating them to the veterinarian is crucial for your birds’ health and well-being. Find out how often they handle birds compared to other animals. Does he or she continue his or her education and knowledge on the latest information in avian and exotic pet medicine? Is he or she a member of the AAV? Members of AAV are informed of the latest developments in avian medicine by reports in The Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery; published by the AAV.

What kind of equipment and testing equipment do they have in their facility? What kind of special equipment do they have specifically for birds? Do they have access to specialists? Do they have access and a good rapport with an Avian Certified Veterinarian? Be on the alert, if you hand over the potential veterinarian a large macaw and the vet looks terrified, look a little further on your list. Make sure the vet is comfortable handling the bird.

A good Avian Veterinarian will joyfully spend time discussing your bird with you. He or she will offer suggestions on care and potential problems that could occur. Do not be afraid to ask your vet to clarify things you do not understand. Often when you show a great deal of interest, the veterinarian will spend more time with you. An Avian Veterinarian will be an invaluable ally to you and your bird. All these precautions may seem to be a time waster until you have a real emergency or illness.

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Guide to the Canary

Canaries (Serinus Canarius) are originally from the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. Most people think of the canary as a yellow bird, but the canary also comes in other variations of color. The canary requires less attention and space than parrots. A canary is a songbird that is sure to delight your family.

The male canary is the singer in the family, but the female canary is more social than the male. It is tough to tell the difference between the male and female canary. If you are only interested in purchasing a male that you know will sing, purchase after a year old and make sure you’ve heard the birds singing before you purchase him. Hopefully, you will enjoy and love your canary if it sings or not. Purchase a canary while they are still young.

The Canaries are not overly social birds and can be kept as a single. In fact, male birds are very territorial.

Purchasing a Canary

Prices of canaries vary a great deal. If you purchase from a pet store, they will likely be more expensive than purchasing from a private breeder. The fancier the variety of canary the more expensive the canary will be. Males are usually more expensive than females.

Make sure you pick out a healthy bird from a reputable breeder. I wouldn’t recommend purchasing a canary from an outdoor aviary. Mosquitoes carry canarypox and easily transmit the canarypox to canaries. This is a good reason to make sure your screens are in good condition and are secure.

Make sure you find out what the canary has been eating, and continue to feed the same food, changing over to a different diet gradually; if you feel the need.

Cages and Accessories

The Canaries don’t climb for exercise as parrots do. They need to fly. A good-sized rectangular cage is needed to give them an opportunity for optimal exercise. They enjoy hopping from branch to branch. Never put your canary in a round cage. The minimum sized cage should be 24" long, 16" deep, and 18" tall. The bigger the cage is, the better. The bar spacing should be no bigger than one-half inch.

You should give the canary perches of different diameters from one-quarter inch to one-half inch in diameter for optimal foot health. Do not use the sandpaper perches you find in pet stores. Natural branches are excellent for optimal foot health but make sure they are not from a poisonous tree or have chemicals such as pesticides on them. Wash and dry the branch thoroughly before using. Sun drying is the best drying method.

The cage and accessories should be cleaned and sanitized on a weekly basis. The cage floor covering and food dishes need to be cleaned daily. You can use a newspaper that doesn’t contain colored ink,. This works great for a cage floor covering. You can also purchase cage floor coverings from a pet supply store. The branches need to be washed in hot soapy water, rinsed well and allowed to completely dry.

The Canaries enjoy toys. Most any toy suitable for a parakeet is excellent for a canary. Keep in mind that the male canary may not sing if he has a mirror. The canary enjoys a swing in its cage.

Facebook Diana Geiger

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pet Skink

Skinks are small lizards. Like most reptiles, climate control is very important. The Blue Tongue Skink is a popular pet skink. One well-liked breed of the Blue Tongue Skink is the Northern blue-tongued skink. They are omnivores meaning they eat meat and plant matter.

The skink is a docile lizard, in my opinion, comparable to a bearded dragon. If you hold and handle them from a young age they even enjoy cuddles.

Stinks that are in captivity can live to an average of 15 years. Keep your Skink happy, healthy and in a healthy and clean environment. This is important to reach optimum their lifespan. They can grow up to 20 inches.

Make sure you acquire your exotic pet skink from a reputable breeder. Make sure they have bright clear eyes and are healthy.

Part of keeping your pet skink healthy is climate control and the need for vitamin supplements and calcium supplements. You must provide UVB lighting. In addition, reptiles can't regulate their own body heat, they need an outside source to warm themselves. In nature, they would bask in the sun to keep warm. The enclosure should range in temperature from one side to the other from 75-85 F (24-29 C) gradually increasing to the basking side of the enclosure which should be around 95 F (35 C). You can accomplish this with an under tank heater and a basking light. Keep the UVB and basking light on around 10 to 12 hours a day. Don't let nighttime temperatures fall under 70 F.

Calcium and UVB lighting are essential to keep your skink from getting a metabolic bone disease. Basking in the sun not only provides them warmth but also with UVB rays. They will bask in the sun for many hours a day. You must provide these same rays with UVB lighting bought where you would buy other reptile supplies. The UVB helps metabolize calcium. In a home environment, you will need to provide a calcium supplement. Sprinkle the supplement on their food. Also, provide a vitamin supplement especially for lizards.

Provide plenty of filtered fresh water in a shallow dish for drinking. They do bathe in their dish where they will defecate. Make sure the bowl is cleaned often and the water changed.

Their diet should be a combination of plant matter and meat a ratio of 60 percent plant and 40 percent meat. A high quality, high protein, low-fat dog food is acceptable supplementing with insects and mice. The size of mice will range from pinkie to larger mice depending on how big your skink is. Feed plant matter in the form of fruit and vegetables.

Provide a good size enclosure, at least a 55-gallon tank. Provide a safe substrate like a cypress mulch or aspen bark. They will need a couple of hiding spots. One item you could use as a hide is a PVC pipe size of course larger than the skink. You could also use a large piece of bark or a flat rock that has been carefully propped so it doesn't fall and injure the skink. Keep in mind they may dig under these props so make certain nothing can fall. Keep most of the bottom of the enclosure wide open they enjoy scampering about. Though the skink doesn't climb you will have to provide a secure lid.

Keep track of the humidly level using a hygrometer. Most varieties of skinks need a humidly level of 30-40 percent. Use a reptile enclosure thermometer to keep track of the temperature. Don't attach it to the glass walls of the enclosure. The glass will inhabit a proper temperature reading. Skinks shed often make sure to mist your skink to aid in shedding. If you don't it can lead to serious problems.

Facebook Diana Geiger

My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Guide to Lovebirds

You will never know true love and happiness until you have loved a lovebird. What is sweeter than candy and Valentine’s heart full of love? The answer to my riddle; a lovebird which could be the perfect gift for a loved one on Valentine’s Day. If the love of your life has been contemplating a bird as a pet, it would certainly be a gift of love. A pet for a gift should not be a surprise but something planned, prepared for, which then becomes a romantic outing together to find the perfect lovebird. Then come the tender days of watching your lovebird adjust to his or her new surroundings. A toast of sparkling wine, champagne, bubbly grape or cider listening to mellow music to soothe your soul which also helps your new lovebird adapt to his or her new family and environment.

People have long been fascinated with lovebirds manifested in poetry, sonnets, art, melody, song, and legend. The lovebird needs are the same as people, love sweet love.

Lovebirds mate for life. They form a strong bond with their mate. In the wild, they are never far from each other. The question seems to come up when purchasing a lovebird as a pet. Should we buy two?

“Lovebirds are great little birds,” said Eric Antheunisse owner of Cedar Hill Birds Cedar Hill Birds. “Except when they are bought in pairs, they will go wild on you quickly.” A pair of lovebirds would bond to each other, instead of their human parent. Eric further explained that a hand fed baby bought as a single bird will bond to you. Lovebird breeders - I am a customer at Cedar Hills but am not an affiliate.

Lovebirds are very active birds needing swings, a variety of perches and toys to play with. The lovebird will need plenty of attention since you now are his or her lifelong companion. Perches and swings made for cockatiels are the proper sizes for lovebirds. Remember to have perches of varying diameters for healthy feet. The same size is not healthy. The lovebird will love to perch on branches from safe trees, trees that are not poisonous or have been sprayed with insecticide or other toxins.

Cages should be safe, have a secure lock, and have bars with no more than ½-inch spaces. Birds should always have a rectangular or square cage never round. A round cage can result in a screeching bird with behavioral problems. Always think of yourself living in a cage for the rest of your life, bigger is always better. The birdcage should never be higher than your chin.

Feed the lovebird a combination of cockatiel seed and a feed mix intended for a small parrot. They also love millet sprays. Try to find fresh ones. Some seed should be sprouted for the nutrients and for variety, like the fresh food they would normally find in the wild. They feed on a variety of seeds, not just the dried seeds like found in the store. Proper nutrition will help the lovebird reach their attainable lifespan of 15 to 20 years. It is not rare to hear of lovebirds reaching greater ages.

Sprout seeds by placing them between two damp paper towels. Keep fresh sprouted seed in the refrigerator. The lovebird must be fed a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Never feed foods with caffeine, avocado, chocolate, greasy foods, or food with sugar. Many people feed their bird children the same thing they eat, which is fine as long as we eat a healthy diet. Perhaps we can learn from the birds.

Always make sure the bird has fresh water in a clean dish. More than one dish should be on hand so that the water and food dishes can be cleaned and sanitized. Fresh food should be removed after an hour or so.

The lovebird will need added calcium. Use a cuttlebone. If you use liquid supplements in the drinking water clean and sanitize the dish after a couple of hours. Bacteria can build up quickly in water with vitamin supplements. Supplements should not be necessary if the bird is getting a healthy diet.

Lovebirds love and need baths. Offer a water dish for bathing, removing it after they bathe. They also like to be sprayed. Don’t spray directly at the lovebird but over the bird letting the water spray over him or her. Plan the lovebird’s bath or shower early in the day so that the bird has time to dry before the cool of night. Keep the bird wet or otherwise away from air conditioner outlets or cool drafts.

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My Ferret Book Guides and Exotic Pet Books Guides

Exotic Pets: Family Guide Paperback and Kindle. Available on Kindle Unlimited!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide is available in Kindle, paperback and Kindle Unlimited!