Now, I am not suggesting the gift of a pet should be given on the day of Christmas with the general chaos that seems to go along with a holiday. It would be stressful and even perhaps dangerous to the animal. The child and the animal wouldn’t have the proper bonding time.
So how do you give an animal as a gift? Mainly you use exceptional planning. First of all, you need to determine the appropriate pet for your situation and for the child’s maturity. Many eight-year-old children aren’t mature enough for a pet, where there could be some five-year-olds that are mature enough for a pet. What is your housing situation? Does everyone work or go to school during the day where the pet would be alone the majority of the time? These are essential things to consider before making the all-important decision of what species of pet.
How much can you afford to spend on an animal? Some will be more expensive to maintain than others will. However, all are equally important when it comes to health-related issues. You must have money set aside for emergency veterinarian care. I don’t care if it is a mouse, Guinea pig or a dog; all animals are just as exceptional –no animal is a throw-away pet. They all deserve proper care and medical treatment.
I personally think a pet is a great way to encourage responsibility. You as a parent have to follow through to make sure the child is taking care of the animal. That doesn’t mean if Sally or Tommy didn’t walk the dog, water the Guinea pig, feed the rat, or clean the cat’s litter box that you should do it. It means you make sure these crucial tasks are done. If they have not, you have Sally or Tommy do it that very moment. It is essential that the animal is provided with fresh water every day. Find the time or times of day for the child to take care of pet tasks and make sure they are done at that time. This provides the all-important structure for the child and learning conscientiousness.
Pet gifting on a holiday is possible; as long as the pet isn’t given on the holiday. Say perhaps that you would like to buy your child a gerbil for Christmas. This is of course after you have discussed different pets with your child. You buy the cage, water bottle, food, toys, exercise wheel, chew wood, and other necessary items to properly care for the gerbil.
The most important item would be a book for you and your child to learn to properly care for the pet. You will also use other reference tools such as the library and the Internet. This is the time to spend quality time with your child by doing this research as a team. You both have learned everything there is about this animal before you bring it into your house.
Having the necessary items ahead of time gives the child the task of setting up a proper environment for the animal before bringing the pet home. After they have learned about their new pet, set up the environment, and one more important detail, found a veterinarian to care for the pet for all its medical needs.
Now, you determine a day to pick up the new pet. You of course, already have paid a deposit, or know that for a fact the breeder or store has the animal available.
A pet builds confidence an animal can be your child’s best friend, a confidant. A pet will listen and never judge. An animal may be just what your child needs.
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